Author Archives: admin
European Free Trade Association Sets Out 2017 Priorities
Dear Clients, The European Free Trade Association, which comprises Liechtenstein, Iceland, Switzerland, and Norway, intends to take forward free trade negotiations with India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Ecuador this … >>more
Mexico Extends Amnesty For Undeclared Income
Dear Clients, Mexico’s Inland Revenue is extending the deadline for an amnesty for the repatriation of undeclared overseas assets and income to October 19, 2017. On January 19, … >>more
Ireland, EU Still Working On Apple Settlement
Dear Clients, The arrangements for collecting the alleged state aid involved in the EU Apple tax investigation should be in place before the end of the year, according to … >>more
IMF Urges Canada To Review Tax System
Dear Clients, The IMF has recommended that the Canadian Government undertake a “holistic” review of the tax system, to identify areas for improving efficiency while maintaining the country’s competitiveness. … >>more
EU Asks France To Amend Foreign Income Rules
Dear Clients, The EU has asked France to amend how it calculates personal income tax for taxpayers who receive income from foreign sources. The European Commission said that … >>more
Google Wins EUR1.1bn French Back Tax Case
Dear Clients, An administrative court in Paris has ruled that Google is not liable for EUR1.1bn (USD1.25bn) in unpaid taxes, dealing a blow to the tax authority’s anti-tax avoidance … >>more
China, New Zealand Resume Free Trade Upgrade Talks
Dear Clients, China and New Zealand have held the second round of negotiations on an upgrade to their free trade agreement (FTA). Representatives from the two countries met … >>more
Canada Revenue Agency To Investigate Property Tax Evasion
Dear Clients, The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is to investigate reports that real estate speculators are manipulating loopholes in the property residence rules to evade taxes. In a … >>more
OECD Pushes For More Certainty In International Tax Rules
Dear Clients, OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría has stressed the need for policy makers to provide a certain tax environment for businesses, to maintain trade and investment. Discussing … >>more
Slovenia To Hike Corporate Income Tax
Dear Clients, Slovenia will increase corporate tax by two percent and reduce personal income tax for middle-income taxpayers in 2017, the Government has announced. Under a package of … >>more
Ireland Hints At Slower Universal Social Charge Repeal
Dear Clients, Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan has said that the Government is no longer committed to its election pledge of a one percent cut to the main Universal … >>more
China’s Nansha Free Trade Zone In Dubai Cooperation Deal
Dear Clients, The Nansha Area of China’s Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone (GDFTZ) has signed a cooperation deal with the Dubai Airport Freezone Authority, as part of the Chinese … >>more
France Announces Pre-Election Tax Cuts
Dear Clients, Income tax cuts for businesses and individuals are being lined up by the French Government ahead of next year’s elections. The Government has confirmed a previous … >>more
Further UK Corporate Tax Cut Off The Cards
Dear Clients, The UK’s new Chancellor, Philip Hammond, has hinted that he will abandon his predecessor George Osborne’s plan to cut corporation tax to below 15 percent. Shortly … >>more
Tusk Pushes UK On Brexit ‘Out’ Action
Dear Clients, While acknowledging the complexity of the task ahead, Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, has called for the UK Government to begin the process of … >>more
Scotland Sets Out Tax Policy Direction
Dear Clients, Scotland’s SNP administration has published its Programme for Government for 2016-17, which sets out proposals for reforms to income tax, air passenger duty (APD), and council tax. … >>more
Extended Deadline Urged For US Estate Reporting
Dear Clients, The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has urged Congress to modify the reporting deadline for estate basis statements. AICPA is proposing a reporting deadline of … >>more
Spain To Hike Tax On Tourists
Dear Clients, Visitors to Spain’s Balearic islands will soon be expected to pay extra for their stays as a result of a new tourist tax. Under proposals recently … >>more
MEPs Welcome Plans For Exchange Of Corporate Tax Info
Dear Clients, The European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee has voted in favor of the Commission’s proposal for the automatic exchange of country-by-country reports. MEPs approved a … >>more
International Support For Beneficial Ownership Info Exchange
Dear Clients, More than 20 jurisdictions have signed up to a pilot project to exchange data held on beneficial ownership registers and registers of trusts, according to UK Chancellor … >>more
EU, Canada Hope To Sign FTA This Year
Dear Clients, Canadian and European Union (EU) trade ministers have said that their top priority is to sign their Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) this year. Canada’s … >>more
Norway To Streamlines VAT Registration For Non-Residents
Dear Clients, Foreign companies in Norway will be given the option to choose whether or not to register through a VAT representative under amendments to the VAT Act proposed … >>more
Macron Suggests Axing French Wealth Tax
Dear Clients, French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron courted controversy in a recent interview by suggesting that France should abolish its wealth tax. Macron told insurance industry magazine “Risque” … >>more
Singapore Seeking Input On 2016 Budget
Dear Clients, Singapore’s Ministry of Finance is inviting feedback from taxpayers on measures for the territory’s upcoming Budget. The Ministry said the consultation is intended to be garner … >>more
Sweden To Review Tax Law Surrounding Mergers
Dear Clients, The Swedish Government has announced an “urgent review” of tax regulations after learning that existing rules may lead to the double taxation of some companies that restructure. … >>more
NZ-Samoa DTA Lowers Withholding Tax Rates
Dear Clients, Concessionary rates of withholding tax in the New Zealand-Samoa double tax agreement became effective on February 1. The new DTA replaced two existing tax deals: a … >>more
Swiss Council Approves Report On Int’l Tax Matters
Dear Clients, Switzerland still needs to overcome a range of challenges relating to international tax and financial matters, according a new report adopted by the Federal Council. The … >>more
UK VAT Reverse Charge Effective For Telecoms Services
Dear Clients, From February 1, 2016, VAT-registered persons acquiring wholesale supplies of electronic communication services will be required to account for value-added tax (VAT) under a reverse charge. … >>more
Number of Hong Kong-Registered Firms Nears 1.3m
Dear Clients, According to the statistics released by the Hong Kong Companies Registry, the total number of local companies registered under the Companies Ordinance at the end of 2015 … >>more
UK Tax Treaties With Croatia, Bulgaria In Force
Dear Clients, The UK tax authority, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), has announced that new double tax avoidance treaties with Bulgaria and Croatia have entered into force. The … >>more
IRS Plugs Its Help For Americans Living Abroad
Dear Clients, The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has reminded US taxpayers living abroad, as well as other international taxpayers, that its website provides a good starting place for getting … >>more
Isle Of Man, Spain To Exchange Tax Data
Dear Clients, As part of the Isle of Man Government’s continuing commitment to meet international standards in tax co-operation and transparency, a tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) has been … >>more
Guernsey Finance To Open Hong Kong Office
Dear Clients, Guernsey Finance will open a representative office in Hong Kong during the first quarter of 2016. The office will be the promotional agency’s second overseas outpost, … >>more
NZ Lawmakers Endorse Key Tax Policy Changes
Dear Clients, New Zealand lawmakers approved at first reading a Bill to levy a withholding tax on offshore property speculators and apply goods and services tax to online purchases … >>more
Italy Issues Patent Box Guidance
Dear Clients, On December 1, the Italian Revenue Agency issued a guide delineating how companies can take advantage of Italy’s “patent box,” together with a circular containing the answers … >>more
European Union Publishes New Tax Trends Report
Dear Clients, The European Commission has released a new version of its Taxation Trends in the European Union report, which provides a detailed statistical and economic analysis of the … >>more
Ireland To Postpone LPT Revaluation Date
Dear Clients, The Irish Government has introduced legislation to postpone the revaluation date for the Local Property Tax (LPT) from 2016 to 2019. The Finance Department said that … >>more
EU, Philippines To Negotiate FTA
Dear Clients, On November 16, the European Council authorized the launch of negotiations toward a free trade agreement (FTA) with the Philippines. The negotiations will be led by the … >>more
Guernsey Planning For A Strong Future
Dear Clients, Gavin St Pier, Guernsey’s Minister for Treasury and Resources, recently spoke about the direction the Government intends to take on the economy and fiscal reform. In … >>more
Swiss Federal Council Adopts Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance
Dear Clients, Switzerland’s new Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance will enter into force on January 1, 2016, now that it has been signed off on by the Federal Council. The … >>more
German Tax Revenue To Rise Through 2020
Dear Clients, The German Government is likely to run a surplus for the next few years as the strong economy fuels growth in tax revenue. The Working Party … >>more
Moody’s Upgrades Its Rating For Cyprus
Dear Clients, Ratings agency Moody’s has increased Cyprus’s credit rating by two points, from B3 to B1. The two-notch upgrade was unexpected, as Cyprus had previously been assigned a … >>more
Germany Australia sign new DTA
Dear Clients, Australia and Germany have signed a new double tax agreement (DTA) that lowers withholding tax rates on cross-border income and introduces new anti-abuse and prevention of non-taxation … >>more
China To Open More Duty-Free Stores
Dear Clients, China’s State Council executive meeting on November 11, presided over by Premier Li Keqiang, decided to introduce measures to boost domestic consumption, including the opening of more … >>more
EU May Drop Plan For Uniform VAT Return
Dear Clients, The European Commission has indicated that it may drop a plan announced in 2013 to introduce a standard VAT return across all EU member states. The … >>more
New Zealand, EU To Launch Free Trade Talks
Dear Clients, The European Union and New Zealand have said they will launch negotiations toward a free trade agreement. The commitment was made in a joint statement issued … >>more
Obama Signs Two-Year Budget Bill
Dear Clients, On November 2, President Barack Obama signed the Bipartisan Budget Bill of 2015, which includes increased appropriated spending for the 2016 and 2017 fiscal years, a suspension … >>more
Swiss Federal Council Approves Liechtenstein, Norway DTAs
Dear Clients, The Swiss Federal Council has adopted dispatches on a new double tax agreement (DTA) with Liechtenstein and a protocol to the agreement with Norway. The DTA … >>more
Canadian Tax Revenues Continue To Improve
Dear Clients, Canadian tax revenues were up 10.3 percent in the first five months of the 2015-16 fiscal year, and there was a budgetary surplus of CAD2.8bn (USD2.1bn). The … >>more
China Improves Small Business Tax Incentives
Dear Clients, China’s State Council decided on August 19 to improve and extend the tax breaks Available for small and micro enterprises, noting that these firms are the main … >>more
Cypriot Transactions No Longer Face WHT in Greece
Dear Clients, Greece has repealed a 26 percent withholding tax on business transactions with Cypres Following pressure from the European commission. The tax, which was introduced by Greece in March, applied … >>more
Spain Should Increases Indirect Taxes, IMF Said
Dear Clients, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said that Spain should expand the indirect tax Burden to boost the economy and put debt on a downward path. The IMF … >>more
Greece to Keep Track of Taxpayers Assets
Dear Clients, Greece’s Deputy Finance Minister, Trifon Alexiadis, has fired Greece’s first salvo in the fight To overcome the country’s non-compliance problems, announcing the introduction of a Comprehensive scheme of … >>more
UAE Report On VAT, Corporate Tax Developments
Dear Clients, The Finance Ministry of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has provided a progress update on The adoption of a value-added tax Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) level. … >>more
Spain Removes Barbados From Blacklist
Dear Clients, Following a protest from Barbados Ministry of International Business, Spain has Removed Barbados from its tax blacklist. Barbado’s international Business Minister, Donville Inniss, Praised the move and said It was … >>more
IMF Calls For Single VAT Rate in China
Dear Clients, The International Monetary Fund has recommended that China introduce a single rate Of Value added tax, during recent talks on the rapid progress China is making on fiscal Reform. The … >>more
Swiss Tax Break For Not-For-Profits Enacted
Dear Clients, The Swiss Federal Council has decided to implement a new federal law Governing the tax treatment of not-for-profit organizations profits from early 2018. The law was … >>more
Luxembourg VAT Hike Had Limited Market Impact
Dear Clients, The Luxembourg Government has said the VAT increases introduced on January 1, 2015. Have had a limited impact on the prices paid by consumers. Luxembourg hiked each … >>more
France To Deduct Income Tax From Paychecks
Dear Clients, France’s President Francois Hollande, has confirmed that the government hopes to introduce Income tax deduction at source from 2018. In an interview with French newspaper Sud … >>more
DIFC To Triple In Size By 2024
Dear Clients, The Dubai International Financial Centre announced on June 10, 2015, that it is looking to Grow threefold over the next 10 years, through a new strategy that … >>more
Swiss Financial Center Advisory Board Begins Work
Dear Clients, The “Future of the financial Center” advisory board, appointed by the Swiss Federal Council, Held its first meeting on June 9. The Federal Council decided in … >>more
Romania Cuts VAT On Food
Dear Clients, The Romanian Government on June 1, 2015. Cut the rate of VAT applicable to most Foodstuffs and food services. The law extends the scope of the … >>more
Report Calls For Canadian Housing Tax Breaks
Dear Clients, The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has recommended the introduction Of tax incentives that remove barriers to new affordable and market-rental housing. In a new report,” … >>more
EU Likely To Challenge Germany’s Road Toll Plans
Dear Clients, Germany’s new road toll, planned to be operational from 2016, is likely to be opposed by the European Commission, reports say. Under the plan, a vignette … >>more
Gibraltar Introduces Online Tax Filing
Dear Clients, Gilbratar Income Tax Office has announced that taxpayers will soon be able to complete Employment and income tax-related forms online. The tax department said online filing … >>more
EU Rejects Italian Charge Plan
Dear Clients, Italian media has reported that the European Commission has rejected the nation’s Plans to introduce a value-added tax reverse charge on the supplies of large retailers. … >>more
France’s Government Wants Deduction at Source
Dear Clients, The French Government has announced that it intends to work towards the Introduction of a system to deduct income tax at source France already employs deduction at … >>more
Poland’s New President Promises Tax Reform
Dear Clients, In a surprise result, Poland has elected as President Andrzej Duda, who has made it clear That he intends to push for tax reforms. During the election campaign, … >>more
Switzerland, Oman Sign DTA
Dear Clients, Switzerland and Oman have signed a new double tax agreement (DTA) that sets withholding tax rates for dividends, interest, and royalties income. Under the DTA, dividends will be taxed … >>more
GCC Adopts Draft VAT Agreement : Report
Dear Clients, Officials from the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, (GCC) have concluded a Draft agreement on implementing a GCC wide value-added tax. The agreement was … >>more
Estonia Committed to Keeping Tax Rates Low
Dear Clients, Estonia’s Prime Minister, Taavi Roivas, has stressed the importance of an Efficient tax agency to be able to offer low rates of tax. He made to … >>more
Belgium Considers Reform Of Property Tax
Dear Clients, Belgium’s Finance Minister Johan Van Overtveldt, has ordered a report onto the Feasibility of rebasing the Government’s estimates of properties rental values, to Boost the tax property … >>more
Mexico Supports Costa Rica on Tax Info Exchange
Dear Clients, Officials from Mexico’s Tax administration Service (SAT) met with Costa Rican tax Administration officials from April 20 to 22, 2015, to share their experiences in the area Of … >>more
EC Renews Calls For Common tax Base
Dear Clients, European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager has called for a common Consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB) and the automatic exchange of information On tax rulings. Vestager appeared … >>more
Irish Tax Revenue Up Year-On-Year
Dear Clients, Total tax revenue for the January–April 2015 period was up 11.3 percent year-on year and was some 4.2 percent above target. Irish tax revenue was down … >>more
Romania Approves tax Breaks For Foreign Investors
Dear Clients, The Romanian Government has approved a new law to introduce tax relief foreign venture capitalists. The law aims to encourage start-up businesses and was passed by … >>more
Greece Announces Tax Amnesty Plans
Dear Clients, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has announced that he intends to introduce a bill to allow taxpayers to declare funds held abroad without incurring penalties. Funds declared … >>more
HK Report Released On Enhancing The SAR’s Appeal
Dear Clients, Hong Kong’s Financial Services Development Council ( FSDC) has released a report setting Our recommendations on policies, including tax measures, to help Hong Kong capitalize on The increasing number … >>more
Ukraine Readies to Sign FATCA Intergovernmental Agreement with the U S
Dear Clients, Recent Developments. On April 22nd 2015, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the draft intergovernmental agreement with the U:S: Government on the Improvement of Tax Compliance … >>more
CPA Ireland Calls For Tax Help For Start-Ups
Dear Clients, The unfair tax treatment of Irish entrepreneurs means that they could be better off starting a business in the UK or the US, Brian Purcell, the new President of the Institute of Certified … >>more
US senate Markup To Improve 529 Saving Account
Dear Clients, On April 29, the US Senate Finance Committee unanimously passed a markup of legislation to expend 529 college savings accounts, whose tax-free distributions president Barak Obama had … >>more
Czech Republic Prioritizes VAT Compliance
Dear Clients, The Czech Cabinet has approved its National reform Program for 2015, which places Emphasis on increasing tax collections. The program sets out key measures for stimulating … >>more
Panama: Updating of Share Register and Register of Minutes
Dear Clients, Following our previous note regarding Draft Bill no.182 amending the Code of Commerce of Panama, we would like to inform you that it has now become Law … >>more
PANAMA: Draft Bill No. 167
For the prevention of money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Dear Clients, We would like to update you on Draft … >>more
PANAMA: Draft Bill No. 182 amending Article 71 of the Code of Commerce
Dear Clients, We are writing to update you on Draft Bill No. 182, which is currently going through the approval process in the National Assembly of Panama. It is … >>more
Custody of Bearer Shares in Panama
Dear Clients, Please note that the National Assembly of Panama is in the process of approving Draft Bill No.183, amending Law 47 of 6 August 2013, which adopts a … >>more
Russian Tax
Dear Clients, Draft law on the voluntary declaration of property (amnesty), and an extended deadline for filing notifications on owning shares in foreign companies The draft law “On Voluntary … >>more
Update on the Automatic Exchange of Information (“AEOl”) Global Standard
Dear clients, On 29 October 2014, over fifty countries signed a Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement implementing the new Automatic Exchange of Information standard, signalling a new step towards greater … >>more
Reactivation option for Panamanian Corporations
Dear Clients, We refer to our previous publications regarding the new features in Panamanian law that now allows the reactivation of Panamanian Corporations that have previously undergone a formal … >>more
New Companies Ordinance HK (Cap. 622)
Dear Clients, The new Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong becomes effective on 3rd March 2014. This law provides new requirements for incorporation … >>more
U.S. Signs Two New IGAs with the Cayman Islands and Costa Rica
Dear Clients In its expansive efforts to curb international tax evasion, the U.S. Treasury Department has signed intergovernmental agreements with both the Cayman Islands and Costa Rica, as implementation … >>more
The Bahamas Rated “Largely Compliant” in Latest Global Forum Listings
Dear Clients, Of the ten (10) standards evaluated in this ranking, The Bahamas was deemed fully compliant in eight (8), and largely compliant in two (2), rendering it “Largely … >>more
Features of Look Through Companies (LTC’s) GOVERNING LAW The “look through company” regime, Income tax Act 2007 Section BD 1(5)(c) and New Zealand companies act 1993. BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS … >>more
Obtaining Citizenship in Cyprus made easy – 5 July 2013
Dear Clients, Foreign individuals who meet certain criteria can now obtain the Cyprus citizenship, in order to be eligible to apply for citizenship; the foreign individual should a) have … >>more
Seychelles International Business Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2013
Dear Clients, The National Assembly of Seychelles is currently in the process of passing a bill which contains amendments to the International Business Companies Act, 1994. The Bill … >>more
UK’s 2013 Finance Bill: Preparing for New Fiscal Changes
Dear Clients, New draft legislation to be included in the 2013 UK Finance Bill will introduce a new charge, referred to as the Annual Residential Property Tax. This new … >>more
British Virgin Islands – Consent to Act 2013
Dear Clients, As you may have already learned, amendments were recently introduced to the BVI Business Companies Act and the BVI Business Companies Regulations, including amendments to some of … >>more
Law on Bearer Shares – Republic of Panama
Dear Clients, We inform you that on the 6th of August 2013, Law No. 47 “ADOPTING A CUSTODY SYSTEM APPLICABLE TO SHARES ISSUED TO BEARER “ was passed in … >>more
Bahamas: International Business Companies (Accounting Records) Order 2013
Dear Clients, The Office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Legal Affairs of the Bahamas, in the exercise of the powers conferred by section 67(5) of the … >>more
Features Of Lebanon International Business Companies International Business Compagnies (IBCs) IBC’s may engage in any lawful business in any country and may carry on transactions In whatever Currencies … >>more