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Table of Foundations


The personen-undGesellschaftsrecht from 1926. Law No. 25 of 12th June 1995. Commercial Code of the Netherlands Antilles.
Disignation of types of Foundation Distinguishes between pure ‘Family Foundation’ and ‘Mixed Foundation’ (for the joint benefit of a family and other persons or institutions). Equivalent of both ‘ Family & Mixed’ Foundations are designated as ‘Private Foundation’. These can benefit any named beneficiaries whether family, natural persons or legal entities of any nature As per Panama.
Registration Optional – Charter can either be registered or deposited. Registration Mandatory. Registration Mandatory.
Initial Capital CHF 30,000 ( approx US$ 23,000) US$ 10,000. No minimum
Qualification of Council Members Minimum of one members must be resident and qualified in Liechtenstein. No restrictions on domicile or qualification. Minimum of one member must be resident and qualified in Netherlands Antilles
Number of Council Members Minimum of one natural person. Minimum of 3 natural persons or 1 corporate entity. Minimum of one natural person.
Local Annual Franchise Tax – Other taxes Annual capital tax of 0.1% foundation assets – minimum of CHF 1,000 (approx US$760). US$300 – Exempt From local income, estate, inheritance or sales taxes. Distinction between on and offshore taxpayers abolished 1/1/2000 – profit tax of a flat rate of 34.5% applicable to all taxpayers as from 1/1/2000
Beneficiaries – Designation and distributions Designation covered in charter – Regulations stipulate beneficiaries. No beneficiaries required at outset only designation No beneficiaries Distributions at discretion of Foundation Council.
Protection From Forced Heirship Claims  Founders’ heirs may challenge validity and purpose of foundations and contributions to a foundation. Courts will recognize forced heirship claims as a matter of public policy Legalization specifically excludes recognition of claims from founders’ heirs regarding forced heirship rights. Situs of assets important to protect founders wishes. Founders heirs may challenge validity and purposes of foundations and contributions to a foundation. Courts will recognize forced heirship claims as a matter of public policy



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