1989 - 2024 35 years in business Saturday, 27th July 2024

Table of Comparisons


Incorporation time frame 1 day 3-4 days 5-6 days 5-6 days 3-4 days 2-3 days 2-3 days
Shelf Companies availability Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Continuation Option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Shareholders / Minimum required Share Capital 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(1)  Minimum authorized (1) No Minimum required (1) No Minimum required (1) No Minimum required (1) No Minimum but EUR 1,000 is standard (1) No Minimum required (1) No Minimum required (1) No Minimum required
(2)  Bearer shares (2) Yes, (subject to custodian through Registered Agent) (2) No (2) Yes, (subject to custodian through authorized custodian) (2) No (2) Yes (2) Yes, (subject to custodian through Registered Agent) (2) Yes
(3) Redeemable Shares (3) Yes (3) Yes (3) Yes (3) Yes with some restrictions (3) Yes (3) Yes (3) Yes
(1) Are they required? (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 3 (1) 1 (1) 1
(2) Are Legal entities allowed? (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes
(1) Are they required? (1) No (1) No (1) No (1) Secretary (1) Yes (1) Secretary (1) No
(2) Are Legal entities allowed? (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes
Domicile requirements:
(1)   Directors (1)   No (1)   No (1)   No (1)   Yes (1)   No (1)   No (1)   No
(2)   Officers (2)   No (2)   No (2)   No (2)   No (2)   No (2)   No (2)   No
(3)   Shareholders / Members (3)   No (3)   No (3)   No (3)   No (3)   No (3)   No (3)   No
(4)   Registered Office (4)   Yes (4)   Yes (4)   Yes (4)   Yes (4)   Yes (4)   Yes (4)   Yes
(5)   Registered / Resident Agent (5)   Yes (5)   Yes (5)   Yes (5)   Yes (5)   Yes (5)   Yes (5)   Yes
Annual Meeting requirements:
(1)  Are they required? (1) No (1) No (1) No (1) Yes (1) No (1) Optional (1) No
(2) Location restrictions (2) N/A (2) N/A (2) N/A (2) N/A (2) N/A (2) N/A (2) N/A
Annual Accounts:
(1) Are they required? (1) No (1) No (1) No (1) Yes (1) No (1) No (1) No
(2) Must they be submitted to the authorities? (2) No (2) No (2) No (2) Yes (2) No (2) No (2) No
Documnents / Information Kept at the companies’ Registry
(1) Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&AAs) or Articles of Incorporation (Arts of Inc.) and their amendments. (1) Arts of Inc. (1) M&AAs (1) M&AAs (1) M&AAs (1) Arts of Inc. (1) M&AAs (1) M&AAs
(2) Registered / Resident Agent (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) N/A (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes
(3) Registered Office (3) Yes (3) Yes (3) Optional (3) Yes (3) Domicile (3) Yes (3) Yes
(4) Registered of mortages and encumbrances (4) Optional (4) Optional (4) Optional (4) No (4) Optional (4) Optional (4) No
(5) Shareholders / Members (5) Optional (5) Optional (5) Optional (5) Yes (5) No (5) Optional (5) No
(6) Director(s) and Officer (s) (6) Optional (6) Mandatory (Through a register of directors and officers) (6) No (6) Yes (6) Mandatory (6) Optional (6) No
(7) General Power of Attorney (7) optional (7) No (7) No (7) No (7) Optional (7) No (7) No
(8) Financial Statements (8) Optional (8) No (8) No (8) Yes (8) No (8) No (8) No
(9) General Pledge of assets (9) Optional (9) No (9) No (9) Yes (9) Optional (9) No (9) No
Documents kept at registered
Office/ registered agent office
(1) Share Register (1) Mandatory (1) Mandatory (1) Mandatory (1) Mandatory (1) No (1) Mandatory (1) Mandatory
(2) Register of Director(s) and Officer(s) (2) Copy advisable (2) Mandatory (2) Mandatory (2) Mandatory (2) No (2) Mandatory (2) Mandatory
(3) Corporate seal (stamped) (3) Mandatory (3) Mandatory (3) Mandatory (3) Mandatory (3) Optional (3) Optional (3) Optional
(4) M&Aas / Arts of Inc. (4) copy of Arts of Inc. (4) copy of M&AAs (4) copy of M&AAs (4) copy (Mandatory) (4) copy Arts of Inc. (advisable) (4) copy of M& AAs (4) copy of M& AAs
(5) Letter of Consent to act as Dorector (s) (5) copy (Mandatory) (5) No (5) (Mandatory) (5) Yes (5) No (5) No (5) No
(6) Holder of Bearer Share and Address (6) N/A (6) N/A (6) N/A (6) N/A (6) Yes (6) No (6) Mandatory
(7) Activities of the Company (7) Mandatory (7) Mandatory (7) Mandatory (7) Yes (7) Mandatory (7) Advisable (7) Advisable
(8) Identification document of the director (8)  No (8)  No (8)  Mandatory (8)  Mandatory (8) Advisable (8)  No (8)  No
(9) Location of Registers (9) No (9) No (9) Mandatory (9) Mandatory (9) No (9) No (9) No
Audit requirements None None None Yes None None None
Are Annual Income tax returns required? No No No Yes No No No
Is foreign income taxed? No No No Yes, Amount depends
on type of income
No No No
Are there exchange controls? No No No No No No No
Tax Treaties No Yes, More than 20 Yes, nearly 20. Yes, more than 40 Yes, more than  10 Yes, more than  10 Yes, with more than 20
Mutual legal Assistance Treaties regarding criminal matters (no tax included) Yes, with USA. Yes, with Canada, USA and UK. Yes, with Canada, USA and UK. Yes Yes, with USA, UK and several latin American countries No No, but a law on legal mutual assistance is locally in force<


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