1989 - 2025 36 years in business Tuesday, 11th February 2025

Norway To Streamlines VAT Registration For Non-Residents

Dear Clients, 

Foreign companies in Norway will be given the option to choose whether or not to register through a VAT representative under amendments to the VAT Act proposed by the Government.

In a statement published on April 22, the Government said that the proposed changes are designed to streamline the VAT registration process and therefore reduce administrative costs for non-resident businesses making taxable supplies in Norway.

Under Norway’s current VAT rules, companies without a permanent establishment in Norway but making taxable supplies there of more than NOK50,000 (USD5,400) per year must register for VAT. It is compulsory for them to use a local representative in order to do this.

However, the Government intends to abolish this requirement and instead allow non-resident businesses to choose whether they want to register through a local VAT representative. The new rules would apply to companies established in member states of the European Union or the European Economic Area.

The Government has yet to determine when the proposed changes will be introduced.

Should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at:


Kind Regards

Cardwell Advisory Desk


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