Dear Clients,
The French Government has announced that it intends to work towards the
Introduction of a system to deduct income tax at source
France already employs deduction at source for social security contributions,
but similar scheme for income tax has never been properly addressed, in spite
of first the proposal being mooted as long as the 1960’s.
The matter has now been firmly out on the agenda, according to government
Spokesperson Stephane le Foll, who has said that work, will begin immediately,
The Government will introduce digital solutions to reduce the burden on companies
Of compliance, He confirmed that there is currently no intention to merge income
tax with social security
Le Foll stressed that action will betaken only after a full review of the reform’s impact
To ensure taxpayers do not face a higher burden.
Should you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Kind Regards
Cardwell Advisory Desk